a new format: at first alone, then thogeter
Friday, February 8th, 2019
the start is locatet at 900 m, easily reachable by skis from the parking ground and race office. The teams will not depart together (no mass-start), there will be intervals of one minute.
- The first team member has to go 160 metres (in altitude) up to the Hecherbauer, then a downhill back to the staring-area.
- Transition: The second team member has to get through the same course and also arrives back in the starting area.
- At last, both team members have to walk together the same 160 m up, until they reach the finish at the Hecherbauer (hand-in-hand, no third downhill!)
- 3 x 160 m up, 2 x 160 m for every athlete (1 alone, 1 together)
- start: 16:30 (4:30 p.m.) for the first team, then every minute
- equippment: helmet and headlamp obligatory!
- starting fees: 40 Euro for the whole team (20 Euro for each athlete)
- race-office: at the Hotel Gasthof Oberwirt in Viehhofen
- price-giving-ceremony: at the latest 1 hour after the last finish, also in the Hotel Gasthof Oberwirt in Viehhofen (5 Euro coupon for each team member is included)
- classes
- fastest male team:
prize-money for the 7 fastest teams: 200 – 150 – 100 – 80 – 60 – 40 – 20 Euro - fastest female teams:
prize-money for the 3 fastest teams: 200 – 100 – 50 - valuable prizes for the winners of the average-time-challenge and in a draw for all participants
- fastest male team:
- parking: free parking some minutes away from the race-office and the track
- toilets: at the race office (Hotel Gasthof Oberwirt)
- accomodation in Viehhofen: Viehhofen is a part of the big skiing area Saalbach-Hinterglemm-Leogang-Fieberbrunn, so it could be interesting for you to stay over night or maybe even longer. In our area, you can train for the Mountain-Attack in January or you can change to classical alpine skis for a day or so.
link for informations and booking - photographs, videos: All participant allow the organiser (Schiklub Viehhofen & Pinzgau-Trophy) to take photos and videos before, during and after the race. The organiser is allowed to mention names and to publish race informations.
- furhter informations: Peter Gruber as representative of the organising Schiklub Viehhofen: Telefon 0676/7508270 / phgruber@sbg.at.