Vertical race

The vertical of the Schönleiten-Trophy 2018 will be started about half an hour before the Individual Race. The track will be the second, right ascent of the individual race, starting at the middle station of the Schönleiten-Bahnenat 1450 m and the finish at the Wildenkar peak at 1.910 m.

There will be prices for the fastest racers, as well as prices for the winners of the average-time-challenge and there will also be a draw for sume pricez, available for all starters.

The vertical is perfect for people, who want to watch the individual race, but also want to do have an own sporting activity this day. Both is possible, if you will attend in the vertical race.

  • date: Saturday, 9.2.2019
  • time: 10:30 a.m.
  • Martini Pinzgau-Trophy: The vertical counts within the 16th edition of the Martini Pinzgau-Trophy
  • start: middle station of the Schönleitenbahnen (5 km next to Viehhofen, first access to the big Skicirkus Saalbach-Hinterglemm-Leogang-Fieberbrunn). Participants can use the first section of the cable car without costs.
  • finish: Wildenkar-peak at 1.910 m, next to the Wildenkarhütte (restaurant) and the top-station of the Schönleitenbahnen.
  • track: ONLY the right part of the individual! The going-by-foot-section is only in the individual, vertical-athletes can walk the whol ascent on skins. Totally 460 metres in altitude.
  • equippment: According to the ÖWO, backpack, third layer, dva-device, shovel, probe, rescue blanket, whistle, ski goggles and helmet are not obligatory.
  • registration fees: 15 Euro, payable in cash at the race-office, included are
    • free use of the first section of the Schönleiten-Bahnen
    • free photos of the participants
    • coupon of € 5,00 for the Wildenkarhütte (restaurant)
    • draw of some prices
    • baggage transport
    • start package with goodies
  • registration: starting in the begin of November
  • race-office: at Sport Heugenhauser at the mountain-station of the Schönleitenbahnen in Saalbach (5 km next to Viehhofen)
  • baggage transport: at the starting-area
  • prize-giving ceremony: in the Wildenkarhütte next to the finish-area
  • parking: free parking at the valley station of the Schönleiten-Bergbahnen
  • toilets: in the Bergbahnen-buildings, next to start and finish-area
  • anti-doping: we are prepared, if there are controls, managed by the NADA. Hopefully, our athletes are clever enough to know, that there exists no good reasons for doping!
  • accomodation in Viehhofen: Viehhofen is a part of the big skiing area Saalbach-Hinterglemm-Leogang-Fieberbrunn, so it could be interesting for you to stay over night or maybe even longer. In our area, you can train for the Mountain-Attack in January or you can change to classical alpine skis for a day or so.

    link for informations and booking
  • reglement/equippement: It’s an offical ÖSV-race. The full equippment ist compulsory. Link to the valid ÖSV-race-regulations.
  • insurance: all ÖSV-members are automatically insured, non-ÖSV-members have to furnish proof (if asked) that they also have a valid insurance cover.
  • photographs, videos: All participant allow the organiser (Schiklub Viehhofen & Pinzgau-Trophy) to take photos and videos before, during and after the race. The organiser is allowed to mention names and to publish race informations.
  • furhter informations: Peter Gruber as representative of the organising Schiklub Viehhofen: Telefon 0676/7508270 /